REPS India is the sole membership organisation in India that represents the International Confederation of Registers for Exercise Professionals (ICREPs). This is an international partnership between registration bodies around the world that register exercise professionals. There can only be one recognised register from each country.
One of the important purposes of ICREPs is to promote portability of qualified exercise professionals through the co-operation and affiliation of national registration schemes. ICREPs exists to serve the worldwide community of exercise professionals through an agreed framework of knowledge and competency standards which are set for professionals and agreed internationally. They are recognised through an independent registration process.
REPS India has portability agreements with the following member registers of the Confederation:
- Australia (AUSactive)
- Ireland (REPS Ireland)
- Malta (REPs Malta)
- New Zealand (REPs New Zealand)
- Philippines (REPS Philippines)
- Poland (REPs Poland)
- South Africa (REPs South Africa)
- Turkey (REPs Turkey)
- United Arab Emirates (REPS UAE)
- United Kingdom (CIMSPA)
- United States of America (USREPS)